Hatyai signature Hotel
Hatyai Signature Hotel would like to present tourists with the authenticity of Songkhla. Therefore, many tourist attractions and cultures are collected to represent the identity of tourism in Songkhla through the different designs of each room, as well as there are many pictures on the wall over the beds such as the Songkhla old city, Samila Beach, Sino Portuguese old buildings and Kim Yong Market.
The signature Hotel Airport
Discover the uniqueness of the native cultural lifestyle that brings the perfect combination between Songkhla local culture and universality. This can be tough once entering the Hotel from Cafe Amazon, Sawa Restaurant, Landscaping, Ruen Thai, Swimming Pool, Building, and Hotel room. Located just before the entrance to Hat Yai Airport and only approximately 15 minutes drive to the City is a plus that suits every purpose of the Hat Yai trip.